Proyecto Ara

Proyecto Ara

Progress Status Report July 06,2023

General Information
Project Title Proyecto Ara - Bocas Del Toro --Panama Reporting Period Q2-2023
Date of Report Project Manager Stephan Knappstein
Report Author Stephan Knappstein Project Sponsor Stephan Knappstein DVM
Executive Summary/Zusammenfassung/Resumen

The project is at its inception phase. An initial set of Ideas  have been collected and converted to actionable milestones.   A web-presence is being implemented , based on a content managem system powered by Drupal and presence on social media  platforms. 


Project Plan ID Project Milestone Status Baseline Completion Date Expected Completion Date Issues Exist
001 Inception Completed None
002 Site Selection Completed None
003 Legal Requirements Not Started N/A
004 Site collaborator recruitment Started None
005 Development?Construction Not Started N/A
006 Collection of breeding stock Not Started N/A


Accomplished this period
  • First exploratory visit to Bocas del Toro to find people willing to collaborate.

  • Paid a visit Gary Curtis Mitchell of Planet Rehab who showed interest in this project.

  • Began creation of website and establishment of related social media accounts.

Planned but not accomplished
  • N/A

Planned for next period
  • Exploratory trip # 2 

  • Visit Parque Nacional Cerro Hoya to view A. ambiguus in the wild.

  • Identify collaborators such as veterinarians and wildlife rehabbers that can inform about legal framework and potential sources of birds.


ID Issue Description Impact Summary Action Steps Priority




Copyright 2023

By: Stephan Knappstein DVM


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