Ara ambiguus

Great green macaw in flight


Formerly known as Ara ambigua , binomial name change in 2004 to Ara ambiguus.

Subspecies : Ara ambiguus ssp. ambiguus (Nominate subspecies)  , Ara ambiguus ssp. guayaquilensis


A. ambiguus ssp. ambiguus : Honduras,Nicaragua,Costa Rica,Panama and Colombia.

A.ambiguus ssp. guayaquilensis : Ecuador.

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Ara macao

Ara macao


Subspecies: Ara macao ssp. macao (Nominate species) , Ara macao sp. cyanoptera

Ara macao ssp. cyanoptera

Distribution: Chiapas-Mexico, Peten area of ​​Guatemala, Belize, eastern areas of Honduras, highly fragmented and small populations with patchy distribution as far as the San Juan River and possibly northern Costa Rica.

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Pyrrhura eisenmanni

Pyrrhura picta eisenmanni


Pyrrhura eisenmanni) , formerly regarded as Pyrrhura picta but now classified as a distinct species(as per Bird Life International) . 


Endemic to the Azuero peninsula in the Cerro Hoya national park. Only 2000 are estimated to exist. 

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