Exploratory trip#2 Beginning of August 2023

Ara ambiguus - Parque Nacional Cerro Hoya


  • Visit the Azuero Peninsula to view wild Ara ambiguus in the PN Cerro de la Hoya.
  • Establish contacts in Panama City with veterinarians that deal with wildlife .
  • Attempt to make contacts with people that could be a source of birds, such as aviculturists. 
  • Make contacts with the veterinary and animal welfare organizations in the Bocas del Toro archipilago.

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Exploratory trip #1 End of April 2023

Approaching Green Acres Chocolate Farm

Objectives :

  • Meet Gary Curtis from Planet Rehab and see if a partnership can be established to work on our intended Macaw conservation program. 
  • Reconnoiter area and obtain general information such as getting around , modes of transportation,  lodging , shopping , etc.

The 28th of April was the day we left for Bocas del Toro . We got up early and drove  from San Jose, Costa Rica to Puerto Viejo de Talamanca , a town close to Sixaola , which is where the border crossing to Panama is located.

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